Creating a Multi-Node ELK Stack

Previously I had written a guide on Creating a Single-Node ELK Stack; covering what to do when you want create and utilize The Elastic Stack (also formally ELK) on a limited capacity, single-node basis. When assisting my roommate in creating an ELK stack of his own, I realized I had not yet described the process … Continue reading Creating a Multi-Node ELK Stack

Monitoring CentOS Endpoints with Filebeat + ELK

In some of my previous posts regarding ELK, we have touched upon numerous ways of sending data from Windows endpoints - however not from much else. In the real world, thankfully, not everything runs off Microsoft's Operating System. Not to hit Microsoft in any way, but for anyone who has experienced systems administration in regards … Continue reading Monitoring CentOS Endpoints with Filebeat + ELK

Creating a Single-Node ELK Stack

Building off my previous post, Introduction to ELK, I figured it would be great to begin to discuss how to create a "stack." I have created multiple different stacks in the past couple months, each with their own specific purpose. While the services within an ELK stack are meant to be spread across different nodes, building … Continue reading Creating a Single-Node ELK Stack